Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is the disease of the inner tooth canal. Need for a root canal can be from cavities that has reached the nerve, trauma to a tooth, or periodontal disease that leads to inner root infection. The first sign of a diseased tooth can be sensitivity to hot and cold, and or even pain. Further spreading infection can cause pus to develop, which can lead to an abscess.
Root canal involves removing the diseased tissue and preventing the spread of infection and restoring the healthy portion of the tooth. Thus, root canal therapy is to save a problem tooth.

Root canal therapy may take one to three visits depending on the extent of the infection. Diseased tissues are removed and the inner canals are cleansed and disinfected. The finely shaped canales are then filled with an elastic material and medication designed to prevent infection.
Most patients who have root canal experience little to no discomfort or pain. Patients will enjoy a beautifully restored tooth.